Medellin birthday

2022/12 8 days ~ $2500.00

My son was turning 30 so he decided to have his dirty 30 party in Medellin, his favorite city... I now know why!

 #Womple #Anybody 

16 737Max Flight
Picture Mexico City to Medellin. First time flying one! I did the composite definition for the Acoustic Inner Barrel and I re-surfaces the winglets so we could make them when I worked at the Boeing ADC. Proud to show my daughter my work
737Max Flight
16 Midnight
17 9 kilometer tunnel
Picture Goes through the mountain from the international airport to Medellin
9 kilometer tunnel
17 A Note on Taxi's
Taxi SUPER cheap for a 15 minute ride (About $3). Avoid them at rush hour 3-6 as the street traffic is intense. Most taxi's are tiny, and can only fit 4 people. Also it's rude not to ride in the front seat.
17 The Metro
Transit It is a quick and inexpensive way to get around Medellin ($.40). The main A line, goes North South. It connects to other lines, as well as the tram stations. You can by paper return tickets, or purchase a card and add COP as needed that are subtracted from your account as you use it
The Metro
17 Fruit Monkey
Picture At the hotel breakfast Buffett
Fruit Monkey
17 Street Art
Picture With lil Shane
Street Art
17 Cool building
Picture Just walking around
Cool building
Video Fancy hotel!