Old friends in Milan

2019/11 2 days

Went to Milan to see my old friend Luch and his family for the weekend

 #Womple #Anybody 

16 Suspicious Character..ME!
Picture The two Carabinieri officers must have thought I look suspicious. They ushered me to a side room to check my papers, then let me go. Now I am free to do crimes!
Suspicious Character..ME!
16 Luch's Family
Picture I've been friends with Luch since the 9th grade. He was the Best Man at my wedding!
Luch's Family
16 Midnight
17 Hunting Lodge Lake View
Picture We went to see his hunting lodge overlooking one of the finger lakes, Sadly, it was raining and cold all day :(
Hunting Lodge Lake View
17 His Tractor at the Lodge
His Tractor at the Lodge
17 Love the old beams!
Picture Construction was from the 1700's.
Love the old beams!
17 Mistaken for a movie star
Picture Luch overheard the Italians at the next table talking. They thought I was Richard Gere (I do get that a lot). I shows Richards pic to Luch's daughter who lit up and said "You Do!"
Mistaken for a movie star
17 Beautiful road views!
Picture I was told they were even better when it's sunny!
Beautiful road views!
17 Midnight
18 Duomo di Milano
Picture It is the largest church in Italy. The cathedral took nearly six centuries to complete: construction began in 1386, and the final details were completed in 1965. And they say Italians are not punctual... wrong I say :D
Duomo di Milano