The Desert Southwest

2021/03 4 days

If you liked the Coyote chasing the Roadrunner cartoons and always fantasizes visiting the landscape the southwest is your must see destination

 #Womple #Generic 

United States
3 Forrest Gump Spot
Picture This is where Forrest shopped jogging and turned back at Mexican Hat
Forrest Gump Spot
3 Paria Canyon Wilderness
Picture If you’ve seen photos of The Wave—a striated sea of rust-red and sun-gold sandstone, rolling across Arizona’s high desert—then you have seen Vermillion Cliffs National Monument and The Wave. You need to get a BLM permit ($6 on your smartphone).
Paria Canyon Wilderness
3 Meteor Crater, Winslow
Picture Nope, not Mars. Forty-nine thousand years ago, a large 30 to 50 meter diameter iron asteroid impacted the Colorado Plateau in northern Arizona. The resulting massive explosion excavated 175 million tons of rock, forming a crater nearly a mile wide and 570 feet deep.
Meteor Crater, Winslow
3 Standin on a corner...
Picture Winslow Arizona, such a fine sight to see. Its a girl my lord in a flatbed Ford slowin down to take a look at me. They've memorialized the Eagles song with a statue at this corner on Route 66.
Standin on a corner...
3 Petrified Forest NP
Picture The Petrified Forest is known for its fossils, especially fallen trees that lived in the Late Triassic Epoch, about 225 million years ago. Well worth the trip. Pic is of the TeePees rock formation
Petrified Forest NP
3 The Blue Hole, Santa Rosa
Picture Blue Hole appears in the midst of the desert like a great blue gem. (Agua Negra Chiquita) Once known as Blue Lake, it is one of seven sister lakes connected underground by a vast system of water
The Blue Hole, Santa Rosa
3 Route 66 Car Museum
Picture It has over 30 privately owned cars on display, including classics, vintage, chrome, street rods, and more!
Route 66 Car Museum
3 Another Bridge
Another Bridge