Medellin birthday

19 Super secret back road
Picture Don't tell anyone! Looks like only a few people knew. They had a trike service to save you some of the steps.
Super secret back road
19 La Piedra
Picture Top elevation is 7005 ft in altitude so if you have a beer at the top it effects you more.
La Piedra
19 Only 708 steps!
Picture Should be easy, no?
Only 708 steps!
19 Perhaps not so easy
Picture :D
Perhaps not so easy
19 Statue of the Virgin
Picture 3/4 the way up you can pray to... To ensure you make it up to the top?
Statue of the Virgin
19 At the top with Lukas
Picture I beat all the group except for my son and nephew. Shane had cold beers waiting for everyone when we got to the top. I feel for the staff as it had to walk up the steps every morning so there is cold beers for everybody to buy when they get there!
At the top with Lukas
19 View of Lake Guatape
Picture Right next to La Piedra. The lake has a dam, and the hydro supplies Medellin with very inexpensive electricity
View of Lake Guatape
19 Oh yeah...
Picture We have to walk back down.
Oh yeah...