Mallorca Cycle Trip II

17 Selva from the Air
Picture We take off for Barcelona, where we’ll spend a couple days, and I realize we are tracking right over where Selva should be, so I shoot a few photos out the window. Later I zoom in to see if I recognize anything. That’s gotta be Selva, I think, so I get my mapping app going.
Selva from the Air
17 The Gaudi
Picture A bucket list item. Two days in Barcelona
The Gaudi
17 Doner Kebab loves me!
Picture What to do? I comforted myself with the thought that Chieko loves me, and that I could still eat what I wanted for lunch. And - in Europe - there is Döner Kebab waiting for us. I Googled the nearest place up, created a route map on my app, C & I walked there, and I comforted myself with one of my other true loves. Thin-sliced lamb wrapped in a pita with cabbage, onions, yogurt, a dab of hot sauce, a A perfect way to end a perfect day after walking about the Old City with C. Thank you, Ken - a perfect location & a perfect way to ramp down from two weeks of cycling. Now I’ll have to get ready for the Summer of Love Century, Glendale to Santa Barbara, in a couple weeks! Tough work but, you know...
Doner Kebab loves me!