Mallorca Cycle Trip II

9 Old Monastery Crypt
Picture Decided to just do an easy ride & look at the countryside. Iggy programmed a ride that would stick to back roads at a very relaxed pace. Some sights. This monastery is not on a hill, the exception that proves the rule.
Old Monastery Crypt
9 Llubi View
Picture An inviting lane leads toward the town.
Llubi View
9 Spanish Windmill
Picture Windmills aren't only in Holland. Iggy tells me the government will pay you if you have an old windmill and take care of it well, or restore it.
Spanish Windmill
9 Coffee Time Again!
Picture See the locals staring suspiciously at us from behind? Knocking down a couple frosty ones, they were, fighting the midday heat.
Coffee Time Again!
9 Potatoes and Beer
Picture At least I waited until 6 PM! Tired! Legs feel a little fried. Beats working, though! I would like to encourage those of you who have read this far to continue contributing to the Social Security Trust Fund, so that you may continue to receive these exciting and educational blogs
Potatoes and Beer
9 Midnight
10 GPS Route
Picture The Mallorca figure 8! 62 miles, 3600 feet, a big ride all in all at a decent pace.
GPS Route
10 Esporles Winding Road
Picture The Tramuntana mountain chain runs along the northern coast of the island and many miles inland. So - we paralleled the chain heading southwest and then turned northwest until we hit a charming (of course) little village in the southern foothills of the chain, called Esporles. Then we headed northwest - and up! As we climbed I turned around and took this photo of the village, now far below
Esporles Winding Road
10 Perfect Pavement
Picture ... A sign of Rampant Socialism! From the same vantage, I turned around and took a pic of the road winding below. The socialists don’t understand that the money used building this perfect road could instead have been used for tax cuts for millionaires, I mean job-creators, creating employment, such as butler, personal chef, deckhand on yacht, and so much more. Assembly worker in Rolls-Royce plant! How much must I beat this drum! Ah well - how does one explain economics to these good, but simple, people?
Perfect Pavement