A year or so in Savannah

15 Solar Cooker
Picture This guy was demo-ing it in the park. It worked!
Solar Cooker
28 Going to Jekyll Island
Picture Famous Island in Georgia that housed a Millionaires compound (Morgans, Rockefellers, and Vanderbilts) and I think the Federal Reserve was created there. Great level island for cycling around!
Going to Jekyll Island
28 Jekyll Island Club Hotel
Picture A member of Historic Hotels of America, the official program of the National Trust for Historic Preservation
Jekyll Island Club Hotel
28 Abandoned House
Picture Due to the hurricane that pelt the Georgia Coast over the years, there are many abandoned island houses.
Abandoned House
28 The Boneyard Beach
Picture Muddy beach with lots 'o driftwood. All beaches in the Low Country are muddy due to the brackish swamps behind the beaches, that are filled and drained with each tide.
The Boneyard Beach
28 A Daiquiri at the halfway
Picture Much deserved!
A Daiquiri at the halfway
11 Only in Georgia
Picture I'm IN the Savannah Airport. It is legal to carry a gun on this side of the line but I'd better not have one on the other side! :D
Only in Georgia
18 Billy Greer
Picture The singer from the Group Kansas lives in Savannah. Occasionally he'll sing with Bucky And Barry at the outdoor music venue for wild wings. He sang "Dust in the wind"!
 Billy Greer