Joshua Tree National Park

12 Tree transformation
Picture The tree type slowly morphs ever so slightly as you go from one end of the park to the other
Tree transformation
12 Rocky hill / great view
Picture Decent walk from the road. Worth the climb! The rounded rocks reminded me of the Galaxy Quest rock monster fight with Tim Allen
Rocky hill / great view
12 Alien landscapes!
Picture Panoramic pic
Alien landscapes!
12 Weird cactus
Weird cactus
12 U2 at Joshua Tree
U2 at Joshua Tree
12 Eagles (1972)
Picture Why the Eagles Flew Upside Down. Art director Gary Burden designed the 'Eagles' album cover to open up into a four-panel poster, with the gatefold image of the band around a campfire sitting below the front and back cover images. "But David Geffen thought that would be confusing," explained photograher Henry Diltz in 'History of the Eagles.' "And without consulting us or consulting Gary or the Eagles or anybody, he told them, 'Just glue it shut.' As a result, the campfire photo now appeared upside down compared to the outside artwork. "Which didn't make any sense to anybody," Diltz lamented.
Eagles (1972)