Chhattisgarh Sites

24 Factory 1
Picture The women are finishing the castings that came out of stone molds. Great craftsmanship! ... and without tables.
Factory 1
24 Beautiful Screens
Picture Too bad I couldn't fit one in my suitcase. I can't remember the price but it seemed to be a great deal for the hours put into it.
Beautiful Screens
24 Needing directions
Picture The driver got lost
Needing directions
24 Factory 2
Picture Also no table. I purchased one of these small metal pieces and was able to fit it in my suitcase by rolling it up.
Factory 2
24 Airport piece
Picture I guess they had a leftover one from the Airport commision
Airport piece
24 The Owner
Picture The owner brought out a great sample of his wor
The Owner
24 Midnight
25 Weird Vehicle
Picture 3 wheeler, 2 stroke diesel engine. Goes about 5mph. Seems like people just walked up to it, put stuff on the roof and jumped inside. Passed several of them on this road
Weird Vehicle
25 Bhoramdeo Temple
Picture Part of a complex of Hindu Temples dedicated to the god Shiva
Bhoramdeo Temple