Mallorca Cycle Trip II

5 Beautiful Bridge
Picture Iggy is always going between C and me when we’re on the road, checking on us and snapping the odd photo. Isn’t this beautiful? This is me on the ride to Pollença. Never saw the beautiful bridge - you try to look at the scenery but you gotta keep eyes forward mostly so thanks, Iggy. This is why you’re a guide and we are customers!
Beautiful Bridge
5 Midnight
6 Midnight
7 GPS Route
Picture 40 miles and 1500 feet. Easy ride and scenic. Búger is pronounced boog-AIR, but when Americans see the signs, not even senior citizens can resist saying “booger”, then snickering. Meanwhile the locals are wondering what the joke is.
GPS Route
7 Ancient Muro Church
Picture A really scenic town. Wish I could get these cars to clear the hell out for my photos. Trucks, too!
Ancient Muro Church
7 Leaving Muro
Picture Then I turned around and saw - this beautiful road beckoning.
Leaving Muro
7 Towards the Sea
Picture Had a lovely ride to the coast but I didn’t like the couple beach photos I took. You all mostly being Californians can visualize a beach, right? Topless sunbathing went out of style years back in Europe so there was no reason to hang around. Ooo - was that un-pc? Just kidding, girls - I mean women! Nice weather we’re having. However, it was coffee time!
Towards the Sea
7 Local Poppies
Picture Iggy says these poppies are a native and kind of iconic. The color is really unusual - a touch of magenta - and a field of them is amazing. They’re so tiny though that photos of acres of them don’t translate so I took this closeup.
Local Poppies
7 Campanet
Picture The pointed steeple of the cathedral distinguishes Campanet. Lovely. Just a few miles to go. What can I say? We rode home, drank our ritual Coke, and headed for the showers. However I always try to throw a curve somewhere! Keep ‘em guessing. So how about these -
7 Jellies!
Picture am crazy about jellies and gummies and this was at the Inca Mercado, a once a week farmer’s market that also has handicrafts, leather goods, you name it. This properly belongs in Chieko’s Food Blog but she doesn’t like sweets much, so you would never see it there. This went on for like ten more feet and then morphed into other kinds of candy. I want just like two each but am always ashamed to trouble them - maybe there’s a minimum. Maybe they’d laugh at me. Then I’d probably forget them and be detained at US Customs for bringing them in anyway... Night night - I hope - still jet lagged big time.