LA Film Locations

27 Wayne's World - 1992
Picture Wayne's house! Party On!
Wayne's World - 1992
27 The Player - 1992
Picture The theatre where Tim Robbins character kills David who he thinks is sending him death threats. Theatre was built in 1925. Also the location for the film La La Land
The Player - 1992
27 Holloween - 1978
Picture Mike Meyers house... in a really really nice neighborhood!
Holloween - 1978
27 Superbad - 2007
Picture This is the liquor store that McLovin was punched during the robbery
Superbad - 2007
27 Pulp Fiction - 1994
Picture This is the intersection Bruce Willis's character runs over Marcellus
Pulp Fiction - 1994
27 Liar Liar - 1997
Picture The courthouse steps where Jim Carey's character has an epiphany
Liar Liar - 1997
27 Whatever...Baby Jane 1962
Picture The mansion in Hancock Park where "Whatever happened to Baby Jane" was filmed. A Black & White Psycho Drama with Bette Davis and Joan Crawford. Note the address numbers on the doorway are the same as in the movie!
Whatever...Baby Jane 1962
27 The Big Lebowski - 1998
Picture The café, where the German nihilists enjoy lingonberry pancakes and pigs in a blanket with the toeless woman. Restaurant was built in 1959 and has served over 20 million pancakes!
The Big Lebowski - 1998