A year or so in Savannah

8 Get the Led Out
Picture A GREAT Led Zeppelin tribute band. Lots of great live music in Savannah
Get the Led Out
20 Other son and Friends
Picture Visiting for the week
Other son and Friends
20 Caught in a downpour
Picture Ir really rains hard here. Amazing lighting displays
Caught in a downpour
13 Note the Solo Cup
Picture Love this sign. Someone added the artwork to the hand. Open carry of alcohol is allowed. here.
Note the Solo Cup
27 A Disney Movie
Picture Forget the name. This city is great for filming locations.
A Disney Movie
16 Flying to back to Seattle
Picture ... I did this so many many times I've lost count!
Flying to back to Seattle
19 Lady and the Tramp
Picture Filmed in Savannah. This was a dogcatcher's cart
Lady and the Tramp
18 767! Got bumped to 1st!
Picture Flying back to Seattle
767! Got bumped to 1st!