Mallorca Cycle Trip II

10 Iggy and the Goats
Picture Wild mountain goats - you call this wild? Someone needs to start hunting these or they may lose their fear of man, and become marauding mountain goats! Still, it was nice to be at the top. No more climbing. And, a nice descent!
Iggy and the Goats
10 Mountain Mists
Picture We were just up in these mountaintops and now we’re here, thru the miracle of gravity. I would love to supply a descent video but I don’t have my GoPro with. But it was exciting!
Mountain Mists
10 Valldemossa Village
Picture we stopped in the impossibly scenic mountain village of Valldemossa, split a sandwich and each had Coke and coffee. Once again - a tourist ripoff, 12€! (Not each, total)
Valldemossa Village
10 Bunyola looking back
Picture The mountains in the distance, a corner of Bunyola at the left edge. On the right, hand-cut terraces, with stone retaining walls, usually with ancient olive trees planted on them. These go back certainly hundreds and perhaps thousands of years. There are many Roman ruins here. You feel a sense of your proportion to this world, and your tiny slice of time in it, when you traverse this land here.
Bunyola looking back
10 Back in the Plain
Picture We look back at one of the granite (I think) massifs. We just came from there, and now it’s only like 7-8 miles back to the barn. This descent was truly exciting! Iggy ran about 50 meters ahead, pointing out every crack in the pavement and maintaining a fast but moderate speed down the perfect, winding, scenic road. Moderate is fast for me these days and I have developed an allergy to pavement rash, so you can be sure I never closed the gap between us. But thrilling!!!
Back in the Plain
10 Midnight
11 Midnight
12 Midnight
13 Midnight
14 Midnight
15 Another Champion!
Picture That’s Iggy on the left, and next to him, Martyn Irvine, the first Irishman to ever win a world cycling championship. I feel like a turd in a punch bowl in this photo. Nice kit, though!
Another Champion!
15 Mind the Head!
Picture Tourists here are dominated by the sun-starved Brits and Germans. Signs tend to be in a UK version of English, therefore.
Mind the Head!
15 Bathroom Window View
Picture If I look to my left when brushing my teeth this is what I see - never get tired of it as you can tell if you’ve read this blog before. Barcelona next stop
Bathroom Window View